, I'm Saikat!
I'm a programmer based out of
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A bit about me
I'm elated to have discovered SvelteJS last year and since then have dived headfirst into the SvelteJS , TypeScript and TailwindCSS ecosystems. Was tinkering with static site generation, ReactJS and GatsbyJS prior to that.
Have a decent amount of experience with NodeJS / ExpressJS . Have also gone through the docs on Apollo Server/GraphQL Nexus but haven't built any GraphQL servers yet. Understand the fundamentals though, so, shouldn't be difficult at all
Used Firebase (BaaS) for various projects to rapidly accelerate initial time to market. Am also quite competent with Google Cloud as a whole and used their products extensively. Huge proponent of the entire serverless movement. Google Cloud Run is a goto choice for all kinds of deployments.
For databases, primarily used PostgreSQL and Firestore . Also used MongoDB and found it quite intuitive but haven't built any products on it as MongoDB Atlas costs are quite prohibitive at scale. Not a huge SQL fan but have working knowledge. Mostly use Prisma 2 to interact with PostgreSQL. Have also tinkered with Dgraph and FaunaDB but found them lacking.
- running DB migrations
- running test suite
- deploying to corresponding environment
Decent experience with Figma to be able to quickly do some wireframes to put thought into form that can be collaborated/ideated on with a team.
Orthogonal Skills
Have worked as a product manager before, so I understand what it takes to build, manage, scale a product and the team behind it.
Worked closely with customer support and on occasion, taken customer chats/calls to speak directly to end users and get feedback on products
Managed engineering teams with direct reportees, able to manage expectations and build rapport
What I'm Learning
- Test driven development (TDD) especially in the context of testing frontend and backend apps. Exploring unit tests, integration tests and end-to-end (e2e) tests. As a library I'm favouring Jest for unit and integration and Playwright for end-to-end testing
- Blockchains and building decentralized tokenized apps and smart contracts . I'm favouring Dfinity's Internet Computer (ICP) for this
- WebAssembly and how to use them in web apps. Still exploring this space.
What I'm Working On
I'm currently building the Go Bazzinga app as a progressive web app (PWA). You can check out what it's about here and the app here